Forecasting the future.
with wisdom from the past.

A track record of
accurate predictions using
Vedic Astrology.
Publicly verifiable.
80%+ Accuracy
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Let the predictions speak for the Science.
For long, people have used different methods and arguments to support the cause of Vedic Astrology.
But we believe that the best way to prove something is to show it work.
All predictions listed here are public and verifiable.
2020. Pandemic
Predicting the
On the 22nd of August, 2019, Abhigya Anand posted a video on YouTube - warning the World of a severe danger, that might 'kill millions of people' and cause an economic recession.
The danger would either be a World War or a 'disease that may spread around the World killing millions'
The prediction is today the most talked about prediction worldwide, with over 200 million people from 60+ countries tuning in on different platforms.

2022. Russia-Ukraine War
Abhigya Anand successfully predicted the Russia Ukraine War, with a video published days before the war and months before it talking about a 'geopolitical crisis that would shock the World in March 2022'.
Predicted the

2023. Hamas Terror attack
In one of the most successful predictions using Vedic Astrology, Abhigya Anand posted a video on the
4th of October, 2023 talking about a grave possibility of a massive terror attack similar to 9/11, this time in the Middle East Region, between October and November.
The attack happened on the 7th of October, 2023.
Original Video
Successfully predicted the
1. Region
The video clearly predicted the region of the attack.
The Middle East was marked as the epicenter of possible crisis.
2. Date
The date of the attack (clearly mentions October and November 2023, with the most significant date range as around October 14. The attack happened October 7)
3. Source
The attack was predicted to be from a Islamist/Jihadi terrorist group.
4. Scale of the Attack
The scale of the attack was also predicted to be similar to 9/11 with similar ripple effects and deaths of thousands of innocent people.
Bangladesh Riots & Pogrom

''2024 has direct astrological parallels to 1971.....the last time we had this happen, we had a huge genocide, and a lot of innocent Bangla people were killed...
....we can draw direct parallels to that and what is going to happen now''
-Abhigya Anand on 12th May, 2024
Watch between 7:00 and 9:00 on YT -
And many more such predictions...
"Russia to face major geopolitical dangers in 2024. Better to end the war in November 2023"
Abhigya Anand in an interview to Russia's State Broadcaster, Russia-1, 2023 November.

March 2024
ISIL Terror Attack kills over 90.

2024 August
Kursk Invasion
by Ukraine
"A Major earthquake may hit areas around the pacific ring before April 2024, and Taiwan must be careful..."
Abhigya Anand in a video published in May 2023 on the possibility of an earthquake before April 2024

2020 Recession
''there would be a major recession between February and April of 2020''
In a now famous video published on the 22nd of August, 2019
Financial predictions
''After the 13th of September, and till the 21st of November 2021, Bitcoin would rise and reach its peak price - beyond which it will fall heavily....''
Abhigya Anand in a video published on the 10th of September, 2021
What happened...
Bitcoin rose to break all previous records and hit a record price of 69,000 USD on the 8th of November.
The bubble burst and crashed by over 80% by the next year.
(After this success, Abhigya stopped making anymore market predictions, publicly)
What people are saying
Social Media Comment Feed from YouTube