Jaya Shree Krishna
2021, has been an year of shocking playbacks in geopolitics, bio-economics, and the markets, globally. In today's post, I would like to cover several significant situations that are likely to happen in the coming months.
The U.S covid rise was foreseen clearly in a Video dated Jun 16, 2021- referring to the "period between June 20th, 2021 and November 2021" being "the start of a Third Wave" in many countries around the World, like USA, UK, highly vaccinated countries, India etc.
In India, no more than 4 months have passed since the 2nd wave of COVID, calmed down. Therefore, it will take more time for us in India, to feel the heat of the 3rd Wave - most likely in the first half of 2022, peaking in March-April 2022.
September 13, 2021 has been an Astrologically significant day. A few astro-photographers caught on camera an unidentified object, possibly a mini-meteor colliding on the surface of Jupiter, co-inciding with the entry of Jupiter into Capricorn as seen from the Earth.
This does not forebode good for China, specially, because Jupiter represents China to a large extant. This also shows that the already cancerous stock market bubble in India is going to increase further - and when it pops - there will not be one, but many simaltaneous events that will lead to a systematic cataclysm which will take place, startling everyone in March- April 2022.
Right : Image showing Jupiter Impact Flash
The Spectacular flash that occured on the Jovian surface, also shows that there will be trouble to priests or religion based governments.
The Crypto Industry is likely to see some bright days till the 21st of November 2021.
Many have asked me to comment on this, however, we have very limited astro-financial data to confirm the next trend. Yet, for research' sake - I would like to give an Astrological standpoint to the next few weeks in the crypto-world. (I do not recommend investing one's life savings in something that is not stable - it is akin to gambling)
Till October 11, 2021 - the prices of bitcoin and other cryptos are likely going to be a bit stable, or on the positive side. After that there will be more volatility, and in the course of it, there will be record prices too, so holding it would result in profits. This would be the case only until November 21, 2021 - after which it would experience a very big correction : which is healthy in the long term, for the technology. However, it will add to the longevity of this technology, which otherwise may be wiped out like the Tulip Mania. Cryptotech has it's own pros and cons, and a bubble would bust the pros too - which is not a good thing.
So, a correction post November 2021 is a good thing for the whole world.
Updated Regularly
Abhigya Anand
Solar Storm 2021 - Will it be Internet Apocalypse? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaoWlXNe5Qs&pp=ugMICgJwdBABGAE%3D
Is this prediction real or fake news? "Indian teenager Abigya Anand, who became famous for her prediction of the coronavirus pandemic, also urged people to leave as cities and hide in nature. In September, the 15-year-old returned to the spotlight with a new prediction - the world awaits a tragic event in December that will affect the next 400 years." https://www.soulask.com/the-black-prophecies-of-the-serbian-peasant-came-true-in-the-19th-and-20th-centuries-predictions-for-the-21st-century-are-beginning-to-come-true/
Countries are discriminating unvaccinated, my country banned dining in and entering malls, etc. Life is affected badly, cannot get essentials etc since banned. Do you foresee all the restrictions will be lifted? Suicide is on my mind.
Brother Abhigya it is definitely fixed third wave in india hit drastically and we all need to fallow precautions suggested by you to us
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